20 June 2003

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

For the past year I have been eagerly reading every scrap that comes out about the new Harry potter book. I've relentlessly checked websites and gossiped with friends in the English department about possible new plot lines. For the past two weeks, of course, hype has been steadily growing and I have read every piece of hype that's come out. On Tuesday I trotted over to Harvard Book Store and preordered my very own copy. I also signed up for the store's midnight release party this evening.

I just left a voicemail for my boyfriend reminding him that I would be attending the party and he was welcome to come along when it hit me. I am neck-deep in...hype. I've always been the one who refuses to see the popular movies (The Matrix Reloaded and LOTR excepted). I've also been the one who tells people, truthfully, that until six months ago I had never heard of Britney Spears, and JLo who? I have always said that whatever the media has to say about pop culture means nothing to me.

But my anticipation for Harry Potter 5 has catapulted me into pop culture wonderland. I am so excited about getting my very own copy of The Order of the Phoenix that I can scarcely contain myself. This doesn't mean, however, that in the future I'll be lining up three weeks in advance to watch the new Star Wars movie. I hope to hold my love of hype to books only.


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