02 December 2005

Friday Cat Blogging

Princess Nani Lani (Hawaiian for "Beautiful Sky" because of her pretty baby blues) relaxes wrapped up in an afghan over Thanksgiving. I think she might be peeved that someone has uncovered her enough to take the picture...


At Sunday, December 04, 2005 9:17:00 PM, Blogger Breena Ronan said...

She's so cute! Now I won't be embarrassed about posting a picture of my cat under the blankets. I know its not properly serious, but cute pictures of animals and babies just make me happy.

At Sunday, December 04, 2005 9:59:00 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Well, as soon as I started posting pictures of my cat, I got an email from my OCS reminding me that pet pictures were not appropriate for the websites of those on the job market.

I think I'll post more kitty pictures.

At Monday, December 05, 2005 9:23:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you can cover yourself with OCS by making this correction: the Princess is not YOUR cat.

At Monday, December 05, 2005 12:03:00 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

But when I'm in PA, I feed her, cuddle her, play with her, and wrap her up in afghans! Surely that counts for something!


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