Holiday Blogging Doldrums
I had all sorts of plans to blog frequently over the break and it has all come to naught, since I am a) too lazy, and b) my parents' internet connection is painfully slow. But here I sit in *$s availing myself to overpriced wireless internet access so I can email and the internet quickly. I'm researching schools I have interviews with (yes, I have interviews! this is exciting!) and catching up on the blogs. So, why not update, with a quick Christmas Acquisitions List?
- Elizabeth Kostova, The Historian (2005). A gift from my parents, I'll finally be able to read this book and comment on it like the rest of the history blogosphere.
- Pamela Aidan, An Assembly Such as This (2003) and Duty and Desire (2004). Also from my parents, the first two installments of a projected three-part series retelling Pride and Prejudice from Darcy's point of view. Very entertaining so far! (I've just gotten through a scene in which Darcy out-Brummels Beau himself with a swank new cravat knot--hilarious! If my Regency romance novel writing friend Lauren Willig hasn't read these yet, she should!)
- Carlos M.N. Eire, Waiting for Snow in Havana, Confessions of a Cuban Boyhood (2003). A thoughtful present from my brother, who knows how much I enjoy books about Cuba.
There promises to be a blogger breakfast at the AHA--more info on that when the details are settled!
Thanks for the link to Good Lauren. I really enjoyed looking at her site!
I hope your interviews go well!
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