08 December 2005

Thou Shalt Not...

...oh, never mind. The billboard company in West Virginia that refused to honor its contract with the DNC and run the DNC's anti-Jean Schmidt billboards does run advertisements advocating violence against non-religious (and presumably non-Christian) Americans:

(H/T Pharyngula)

And, via Crooked Timber, a report that the Dover, PA school system might be considering David Barton's Myth of Separation as an appropriate addition to the social studies curriculum. (Barton is the founder of Wallbuilders, an organization dedicated to taking historical evidence radically out of context in order to prove that there's no such thing as separation between church and state.)

Is it my imagination, or is even good old-fashioned Enlightenment toleration going down the tubes??


At Wednesday, December 28, 2005 12:10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is the Enlightenment the tolerance example people always choose? Because it never seemed all that tolerant to me. (Maybe tolerant in the oft-found imperial Chinese sense, at least pre-Qing, in that so long as one observes the rituals of state, one could uphold many tolerable "superstitions" in one's own home.) Aside from the Christian crisis (growing since mid-16th century), I think Japan before 1600 had the best government tolerance of religious practice--I can only think of a handful of Buddhist preachers that got government reactions put down upon them, and at least one of them was later adopted by the government to their own ends (Gyoki). Enlightenment always seemed a bit more narrow in comparison to me.


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