15 May 2009

Friday Cat Blogging with Pepper the Crazy Cat

I'm feeling very zen today. Mom rescued another kitty. He's living in the bathroom and I am pretending not to care.


At Saturday, May 16, 2009 6:43:00 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

Good for you Rebecca. Jeb and Felix definitely approve.

Kevin at Civil War Memory

At Saturday, May 16, 2009 8:38:00 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

But Pepper does not!

Stray SIamese Kitty (I didn't even name him, for fear of getting too attached) is off to Friends for Life, a local no-kill shelter this afternoon!

At Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:50:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi. I just finished reading your whole blog, and I want to say thank you, so much, for writing it and for keeping it all online. I've been considering grad school, and I've been researching and talking to my friends and anyone who I think can give me the "real" scoop. Unfortunately, it's really hard to tell someone what something as big as grad school really feels like. Your blog does a fantastic job of that.

A friend studying for his PhD in religion told me of a lot of the complaints you have about pay and benefits, but your railing against Harvard's practices were so much more evocative than his attempts at an even-handed description of the labor situation of grad students. I could completely relate what you complained about to my experiences both as an employee and as an undergraduate student, which is what I need to figure out if I could handle grad school. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this peek into your life as both a student and now a college professor. I see your posts waning in frequency, and I hope you will keep blogging because what I've read so far has meant a lot to me. That's not to say that I've resolved all question about where my future education (if any) is headed, but you're the best (by leagues) source I've found so far to help me figure that out. Even if I don't come back (because I am kind of fickle about blogs that infrequently post), there will surely be another person your future posts can help as much as you've helped me so far. Thank you.

As a final note, let me add that, despite the fact that I am commonly believed to be a grown-up, I L-O-V-E talking cats. Thank you for adding Pepper's viewpoint to the blog.


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